Monday, May 28, 2012

Great Dance Last Night

Thanks to everyone who came. I am looking forward to the next dance.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

next dance this sunday 5/27 and upcoming dances

MAP 地図 for regular events
VIDEO ビデオ for all events
CONTACT for all events is
携帯 070 6475 5855

5月27日(日) 午後1時~5時

So I hope more people will come to the next contradance, on
Sunday, May 27th from 1:00 - 5:00 PM

Again, at Higashiyama, in classroom #9. As usual, there will be a review and beginner's workshop at 1:00, so come please come early.


Also, in Fushimi, the next dance is on Saturday, June 9th, from 5-8PM. The exact location is to be announced. More info upcoming, or on our facebook page.

On June 30th we will be dancing at the Kansai Franco-Japanese Institute "Fete de la Musique". We are dancing from 4 to 5:30 on the 3rd floor, but it is an all day event. There is a map on our home page at the link above. More info to come.