Wednesday, June 29, 2011

upcoming events. Dance this sunday

1 ---------- Contra:
Sunday, July 3rd (Fushimi Dance) Otonori Hiroba 22
From Ishiguro-san:
"We will have Fushimi Contra at Shimogyô-ku (Kyôto), so a lot of people can participate.
You can walk from Kyoto station to the meeting place, so I really hope people from Osaka and Shiga will come too.
The time is from 14:15 until 17:15, on the 3rd of July (Sunday), at
Shimogyô Iki iki Shimin katsudô Center, on the 3rd floor.
It's 8 minutes on foot from Kyoto station and 7 minutes from Keihan Nanajô station.
There is no parking.
click to see Map


Price : 500Y (free for Junior High-School students and below)
You can bring some food (your special recipe!), drinks and a towel or some spare clothes."
Live Music by Salamander Moon band.
facebook page:

7月3日(日)14:15~17:15まで、下京いきいき市民活動センター 3Fホールにて
音楽 Salamander Moon band. 
フェイスブック :

2 -----------  Upcoming French Bal/Institute related:
Sunday July 10th: French Bal at the French Institute, from  from 1 to 4 pm.
       Special guest will be Michel Brion From Lyon France, who will be teaching authentic Medieval and Renaissance Dances.
Sunday July 17th: French National Day Party on the 17th. Entrance fee 1000 Yen Dance from 3:30 to 4:30pm.
Sunday, September 25th : French Bal

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