Wednesday, July 14, 2010

July and August 2010 Lydia!

(English Below)











We had a great time recently at Romain's Bastille Day presentation at the
French Japanese Institute. It was a lot of fun with many people in costume
and high spirits, so people had a great time. There will be videos
available soon, so check the (newly revamped) website.

We also have a piece of very exciting news. My very very special young
friend Lydia is coming to Japan in August! I am so excited -- I have been
waiting two years and it is finally happening! Lydia, who is coming to
Japan on a high school trip, was one of my dearest dance kid-pals in the
US, and I am really hoping I can introduce her to the contradance
community here. She is only going to be here for a short time, but luckily
I will be able to bring her to the Fushimi Contra on the 7th[update/correction...the fushimi contra is on the 1st....we will be have a picnic on the kamogamo on the 7th for lydia]. I really  
hope as many people as possible can be there, cause I know she is very
interested in meeting japanese contra dancers!

In the meantime, this Saturday is the next Takano Dance. It may be rainy,
so as an incentive we will offer free admission to anyone who comes in
costume! As usual, we will have a fingerfood break (pot-luck,
cups/utensils, but no plates necessary). We will be focusing on having FUN
while dancing -- twirls, eye contact, and interacting with your come ready to have a good time!

The weather report says there is only a 40% chance of showers,. We don't
expect we will cancel, but if the weather turns very bad, we might send
out a cancellation email. Please look for it before you head out. If you
want us to call you directly, or otherwise notify you, let us know, or
feel free to call us on saturday at 070 6475 5855 .

David and Yukie

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